About Caterpay

What is Caterpay?

Caterpay is our payment gateway, powered by Cardstream the UK's leading white label provider. Caterbook is externally verified as being PCI compliant, and Caterpay forms a part of our solution, enabling hotels to manage guest's card data securely, whilst at the same time significantly streamlining the process of charging those cards.

What are the costs?

We have various plans available, but whenever you verify (store), pre-auth, charge, rebill or refund a card or tokenised card this counts as one transaction for billing purposes.
Unlike some other systems, there is no cost for downloading and tokenising (storing) card details from Online Travel Agents like booking.com and Expedia.

What happens if I want to change plan?

Many users find that they want to start on a lower plan, but Caterpay proves to be so useful that it becomes more economical to change to a higher use plan. No problem, if you can just let us know at least 5 working day's before the end of the current billing month, we will get you switched to the required plan.

Do I need a merchant ID?

Caterpay requires a dedicated MID for processing both MOTO and ECOM transactions. Many providers can support this using a single Merchant ID. We can recommend providers for Caterpay users which may be more competitive than your bank - ask us for details. You would also need a dedicated MID for processing AMEX.